Refund / Cancellation Policy

  1. After receiving your return and inspecting the condition of your item, we will process your Refund within Three (3) days from the receipt of your item.
  2. Refunds may take 1-2 billing cycles to appear on your credit card statement, depending on your credit card company. We will notify you by email when your Refund has been processed.
  3. If the returned Items with Opened / Damaged packages or Less Number of Items than ordered, Refund would not be processed. 
  4. If you want to cancel the placed order, you need to contact our team on within 24 hours of placing order.  

KMA Snacks – A Global Office with a Local Soul

Welcome to KMA Snacks' corporate office in Jamnagar, Gujarat—the heart of our journey from a humble unit to a globally recognized snacking brand.

With a presence in 50+ cities in India and countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, Ireland, Hong Kong, UAE, and more, we deliver the finest Gujarati snacks worldwide.

KMA – A Legacy of Quality and Innovation

KMA’s manufacturing unit is where tradition meets technology. With over a decade of experience, our state-of-the-art facility ensures every product
reflects our commitment to quality.

From Handmade Khakhra to premium Dry Kachoris, our snacks are made with precision and care in a controlled environment that prioritizes hygiene and sustainability. At KMA, we combine local expertise with global standards, making us a trusted name in Gujarati snacks
across the world.

Inside KMA’s World-Class Manufacturing Unit

At KMA Snacks, every bite is crafted with care. Our 25,000 sq. ft. hygienic, dust-free manufacturing unit in Jamnagar sets us apart. From sourcing the finest ingredients to meticulous quality checks, our process guarantees the premium taste and health you deserve.

Certified with FDA approval and FSSC 22000 accreditation, our facility is a benchmark of quality and innovation. We’re not just making snacks; we’re creating a legacy of handmade excellence, with a
focus on sustainability and empowering local women artisans.